Looking for the perfect speaker for your next event?

Meet Sita

Sita effortlessly captivates audiences of all sizes. She is the perfect mix of relatability, storytelling, charm, and humour. Renowned for her expertise and endearing approach, she's the speaker attendees will remember and request again. With her, feedback is consistently glowing.

Sita is a confident public speaker who speaks on a range of topics, including gender equality, leadership, women's history, making change and diversity and inclusion. A drawcard at any event she puts her name to, you can rest assured she's the keynote speaker, MC or panellist you want at your next event.

Keynote Presentations

➪ How to make Australian women's history accessible, engaging and entertaining through a walking tour

➪ Why I founded She Shapes History

➪ Canberra's hidden women's history

➪ Canberra's hidden LGBTQIA+ history

➪ Canberra's hidden history of women in espionage

➪ How sharing women's stories can close the respect gap in Australian politics, culture and society

➪ Bespoke presentations can be created upon request.

Sound like Sita's the speaker you're looking for?
Then simply send us an enquiry using the form below and we’ll tee up a zero obligation phone chat