Pearl Gibbs (1901-1983)
Pearl Gibbs changed Australia's constitution. Pearl joined forces with activists Jessie Street and Faith Bandler to campaign for the 1967 referendum. Together they campaigned for over 10 years, collecting more than 100,000 signatures. 90.77% of Australians voted yes during the 1967 referendum. For the first time Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people were formally recognised as part of Australia's population.

Over the course of her lifetime Pearl "knew and called upon Australians of all kinds, from all rungs of society" to champion self-determination and sovereignty for First Nations people (Gilbert, 2005). She is recognised as one the most important women activists in the early 20th century.
To tell Pearl's story, these are some of the sources we consulted...
Stephanie Gilbert's article – Never Forgotten: Pearl Gibbs (Gambanyi)

AIATSIS Article - The 1967 Referendum

National Museum of Australia - Indigenous Referendum

The Conversation - Right wrongs, write Yes’: what was the 1967 referendum all about?

The National Library of Australia -The Campaign

P.s. Head HERE for the National Capital Authority's self-guided walking tour of Reconciliation Place.